Published June 9, 2024, Sunday, 1600 hours PDT

Seattle Firefighters were dispatched through the First Alarm Center (FAC) just after 1400 hours this afternoon for a swimmer in distress in the 1000 block of Valley Street offshore in the Lake Union area. Firefighters immediately responded and put rescue swimmers in the water.

(L) Stock Photo. Photo Credit: (c) NW Fire Blog

Shortly thereafter, they located the patient and brought them out of the water.

Medics quickly began life-saving measures. There is no current status of the patient or any other information available at the time of this post.

Resources include A14, B2, B6, E25, E8, FB3, Fireboat, L10, L6, M1, M44, PTRL4, R1, RB5 and SAFT2.

(c) 2024 NW Fire Blog